For Advisors

As an Independent Advisor, you have seen the excess of Wall Street come to a head and result in a Tax Payer bailout.

As a registered Investment Advisor, your fiduciary responsiblity to your clients can be worn like a badge of honor.   As an independent Advisor, does someone comparing you to Wall Street firms make you ill?

Independent Financial Advisor .org was created to offer investors the opportunity to find and work with investment Advisors whose integrity isn't compromised by the firm they work for.

If you match the criteria of excellence outlined below, contact Independent Financial Advisor .org to become one of our "local" advisors. We are actively building our advisor network across the United States.

To apply for membership, begin by submitting the information below:

Advisor Name:
Firm Name:
Phone#: () -  ext:
Provide a brief description of your advisory practice:


Independent Financial Advisors
Criteria for Membership

  • Conduct business as an Independent Advisor or RIA
  • 15 years or more experience
  • No affiliation with Wall Street
  • Provide initial consultations at no fee
  • A spotless compliance record